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Welcome (Bine aţi venit) to the official website of The
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America,
a Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America.




View Ongoing Renovation of Bishop's Residence - CLICK HERE

Solia / The Herald Q1 2020 Issue posted! - 04/15/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-15 15:11:01

CLICK HERE to view the issue.

Covid-19 Resources & Livestreaming (Dormition Monastery) - 04/11/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-11 12:04:51

Livestreaming of Services (Dormition Monastery)

HDM YouTube Channel

Romanian Language Audio & Other Resources:...

Assembly of Bishops USA Message of Solidarity - 04/10/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-10 18:20:24

Unable to gather in person for Holy Week, the heads of jurisdictions joined together to send you a message of solidarity from their homes to yours!


Archpastoral Directive for Great Paschal Fast and Pascha 2020 - 04/05/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-05 00:43:32

April 2, 2020

To The Worthy and Beloved Clergy of our God-protected Episcopate:

Christ is among us!  He is and ever shall be!

The complexity of the makeup of our Episcopate is due to many factors: dual national authorities; clergy availability; variety of church campus complexes; numbers of parishioners and of “holiday” visitors who have limited ties to and support of the parishes and Episcopate.

The COVID-19 pandemic has flattened some of these factors...

Dispoziție arhierească privind Sfântul și Marele Post și Praznicul Învierii Domnului 2020 - 04/05/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-05 00:25:21

2 Aprilie 2020

Preaiubitului și vrednicului cler al Episcopiei noastre ocrotite de Dumnezeu:

Hristos în mijlocul nostru! Este și va fi!

Complexitatea modului în care este constituită Episcopia noastră se datorează mai multor factori: două modele de autorități naționale; disponibilitatea clerului; diferitele feluri ale structurilor instituțiilor bisericești; numărul de enoriași, dar și de oaspeți prezenți doar „la sărbători”, care sprijină parohiile și Episcopia la un nivel redus, prezentând legături restrânse cu acestea.

Pandemia de tip COVID-19 a uniformizat câțiva dintre acești factori...

IN MEMORY: Deacon John Bujea - 04/04/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-04-04 22:54:18

October 15, 1926 – April 4, 2020

(Regina, Saskatchewan)  Deacon John Bujea was born into the family of Pamfil (of Birlad, Vaslui, Romania: 1884-1968) and Maria nee Alexe Bujea (of Fagaras, Romania: 1886-1972) in Regina, Saskatchewan. The couple relocated in 1907 to Dobrogea and in time immigrated to Regina, Saskatchewan. Baby John was baptized by Father Teofil (Maxim) in Saint Mary parish church, Kayville, Saskatchewan, October 15, 1926...

IN MEMORY: Archpriest Catalin Dan Mitescu, PhD - 03/24/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-24 10:05:31

Very Reverend Father Catalin Dan Mitescu fell asleep in the Lord on March 21, 2020, in California, due to complications of Alzheimer ’s disease...

Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-17 20:26:14

17 Martie 2020

Sfântul Patriciu al Irlandei

Doamne, strigat-am către Tine, auzi-mă.” (Psalmul 140)

Preaiubitului cler, credincioșilor și monahilor:

Aceste cuvinte rostite de către regele David, autorul psalmilor, sunt și cuvintele de pe buzele noastre astăzi, în timp ce suntem martorii pandemiei cumplite care a pus stăpânire pe întreaga lume, precum și asupra propriei noastre țări. Trebuie să facem mai mult decât să reflectăm asupra acestei situații; suntem îndemnați de către consilierii guvernamentali și de către personalul medical să acționăm în favoarea familiilor noastre și a celor apropiați, restricționând temporar orice fel de întrunire.

Este necesar, ca și creștini ortodocși, să avem în considerare chemarea noastră. Trebuie să continuăm să fim și mai prudenți în privința aproapelui nostru și a celorlalți. Din diverse surse oficiale, suntem îndemnați să evităm întâlnirile de orice fel. Unele surse menționează faptul că numărul maxim de persoane din cadrul unei întruniri nu trebuie să depășească „100”; alții menționează „50”; în timp ce alții doar „10.” Problema este că nimeni nu poate susține cu fermitate un anumit număr. Nimeni nu știe cu exactitate, pentru că nu este nevoie decât de o singură persoană purtătoare a virusului. Sunt „eu”? Ești „tu”? Nu se știe cine este, în momentul de față. Pentru acest motiv, nu există un număr de persoane care să fie declarat „sigur”, pentru că fiecare persoană provine din diverse zone ale unui oraș, din diferite medii de muncă, purtând cu ei o posibilă contaminare.

Am pus următoarea întrebare unui medic din cadrul Episcopiei noastre: „Ar trebui închise bisericile în totalitate?”. Răspunsul a fost rezonant, „da!”. Având în vedere incertitudinea în privința persoanelor care ar putea fi purtătoare ale acestui virus, suprimăm orice fel de întrunire din cadrul parohiilor: liturgică, administrativă și socială, cel puțin până la data de 31 martie, atunci când se va face o reevaluare a situației pandemiei, determinată de către consilierii guvernamentali și de către personalul medical...

Holy Synod Issues Coronavirus Statement; Metropolitan Tikhon Addresses the Faithful - 03/17/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-17 18:58:32

SYOSSET, NY [OCA]  On Monday, March 16, 2020, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon convened a special meeting of the Holy Synod. Following a day of meetings with health-care experts, Metropolitan Tikhon led the Holy Synod in a discussion on the effects of the spreading outbreak on the parishes, clergy, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America.

Following that meeting His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America have today issued a further statement on the Coronavirus outbreak which can be read here, and below.

At the same time, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon has issued an Archpastoral Letter to the clergy, monastics and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America which can be read here, and below.

Please be sure to check our resource page on the Coronavirus outbreak. We are updating it regularly...

Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-17 18:21:42

March 17, 2020

Saint Patrick of Ireland

Lord, I am calling to you, hear me, O Lord.” (Psalm 140)

Dearly Beloved, Clergy, Faithful and Monastics:

These words cried out by King Saint David, the writer of the Psalms, are the words on our lips today as we reflect on the terrible pandemic which overshadows the entire world and our own Nation.  We must do more than reflect on the situation; we are called on by government and medical advisors to act in defense of our families and neighbors by temporarily restricting gathering together.

It is necessary for Orthodox Christians to consider what we are called to do. We must continue to be even more concerned for our neighbor, for others. From various official sources, we are called on to refrain from gathering in groups. Some sources indicate the maximum number of a gathering at “100”; others say “50”; and others “10.” The problem is that no one can state with assurance any particular number. No one knows, because it takes just one to be a carrier of the virus.  Is it “I?” Is it “you?” The “who” is unknown and at this time, unknowable. That is why there is no “safe” number of individuals, for each comes together from various parts of a city, from various work and service environments, bringing with them possible contamination.

We posed the question to a medical physician in the Episcopate: “Should the churches be closed entirely?” The response was a resounding, “Yes!” Considering the insecurity of guessing who might be infected with the virus, we are terminating all gatherings in the parishes; liturgical, administrative and social at least until March 31 when we will review the status of the pandemic as determined by medical and government sources...

Declarația Sfântului Sinod al Episcopilor Bisericii Ortodoxe în America cu privire la Virusul Corona - 03/13/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-13 18:03:55

13 Martie 2020 - Din luna ianuarie a acestui an, lumea întreagă a devenit martoră la răspândirea rapidă a unui virus numit SARS-CoV-2, precum și la boala pe care acesta o provoacă, numită Boala Coronavirus 2019 sau Boala Virusului Corona, adesea prescurtată sub denumirea de COVID-19. Facem următoarea declarație ca răspuns la numărul din ce în ce mai mare de oameni care au fost depistați cu rezultat pozitiv la testul pentru virusul COVID-19, precum și la anxietatea provocată, pe bună dreptate, de răspândirea acestui virus, printre credincioșii noștri din Statele Unite, Mexic și Canada. În această declarație oferim, de asemenea, și îndrumări pastorale pentru parohiile și instituțiile Bisericii Ortodoxe în America pentru luarea anumitor măsuri de precauție necesare, dar totodată temporare, atenuând în acest mod efectele posibil devastatoare ale acestui virus....

OCA Holy Synod issues Statement on Coronavirus outbreak - 03/13/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-13 17:28:58

Following from their Wednesday, March 11, 2020, extraordinary meeting, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America have today issued an Archpastoral letter concerning the Coronavirus, COVID-19 outbreak.

The complete text appears below and is also available in PDF format.

A number of dioceses have issued statements and prayers. Please find those here:

Archdiocese of Canada
Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania
Diocese of the Midwest
Diocese of the South
Diocese of the West

Statement of the Holy Synod of Bishops
of the Orthodox Church in America
on the Corona Virus
March 13, 2020

Since January of this year, the world has witnessed the rapid spread of a virus named SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes that has been named Coronavirus Disease 2019, or Corona Virus, often abbreviated as COVID-19. We make the following statement in response to the increase in the number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19, and the anxiety that the spread of this virus has understandably caused amongst our faithful in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. In this statement, we also offer pastoral guidance for the parishes and institutions of the Orthodox Church in America in taking certain necessary, but temporary precautions, so as to mitigate the possibly extreme effects of this virus....

Photos from the Hierarchal Ordination of Bishop Andrei now posted - 03/03/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-03-03 15:09:45

A photo gallery of images from the Hierarchal Ordination of His Grace, Bishop Andrei (January 31-February 1, 2020) has now been posted on the ROEA Facebook page.

CLICK HERE to view the gallery.

The Episcopal Consecration of Bishop Andrei of Cleveland - 02/13/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-02-13 11:56:54

SOUTHFIELD, MI [OCA]  On Saturday, February 1, 2020, clergy and faithful of the Romanian Episcopate of the Orthodox Church in America gathered at Saint George Cathedral here for the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, during which Bishop-elect Andrei (Hoarste) was ordained to the Episcopacy as Bishop of Cleveland, Auxiliary to His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel...

Ordination of Archimandrite Andrei (Hoarște) as Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America this Saturday, February 1 - 01/28/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-02-16 00:51:05

DETROIT/SOUTHFIELD, MI –  Saint George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral will be the site of the Ordination into the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Andrei (Hoarște) this coming Saturday, February 1, 2020.  His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, joined by His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel, ruling hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (ROEA), and 9 other Orthodox Christian hierarchs from across the United States and Canada will concelebrate at the ordination...

Hirotonia Părintelui Arhimandrit Andrei (Hoarște) ca Episcop Vicar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America, Sâmbătă, 1 Februarie - 01/28/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-02-16 00:50:51

DETROIT/SOUTHFIELD, MI – Catedrala Ortodoxă Română "Sfântul Gheorghe" va gazdui Hirotonia întru Episcop a Părintelui Arhimandrit Andrei (Hoarște), care va avea loc sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2020.  Preafericitul Parinte Mitropolit Tikhon, Primatul Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, impreuna cu Înaltpreasfințitul Părinte Arhiepiscop Nathaniel, Întâistătătorul Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America (ROEA) și alți 9 ierarhi creștin-ortodocși din SUA și Canada, vor sluji hirotonia intru arhiereu...

In Memory: Reverend Deacon Polycarp (William Roland) Kroah - 01/17/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-17 11:41:01

William Roland Kroah (Rev. Deacon Polycarp) was born on April 19, 1960 in Santa Cruz, CA, and fell asleep in the Lord on January 10, 2020, in Seattle, WA. Deacon Polycarp spent most of his life in Southern California, having moved permanently to the Tacoma area in August 2019. He enjoyed reading, woodworking, riding his Harley, and spending time with his family and friends....

Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Regarding the Ukrainian Airline Tragedy - 01/10/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-10 17:33:09

Unison Liturgical Responses - NEW EDITION! - 01/10/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-10 12:37:41

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The OCA Holy Synod Proclaims 2020 as a Year of Anniversaries - 01/07/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-07 17:42:35


A message from Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America:

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America concelebrated the Divine Liturgy for the feast of Saint John Chrysostom.  At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy His Eminence Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, Secretary of the Holy Synod, read a proclamation of the Holy Synod announcing the anniversary celebrations for the Canonization of Saint Herman of Alaska, and the reception of the Tomos of Autocephaly...

Solia - The Herald is now posted! - 01/06/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-06 13:52:55

CLICK HERE to view the 4th Quarter (Oct-Nov-Dec) 2019 Issue of Solia-The Herald.

Archimandrite Andrei (Hoarste) to be Ordained as Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America on February 1 - 01/02/2020
Category: US News
Last updated: 2020-01-28 17:03:49

DETROIT/SOUTHFIELD, MI –  Saint George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral will be the site of the Ordination to the Episcopacy of Archimandrite Andrei (Hoarște) on February 1, 2020.  The weekend will begin with the celebration of Great Vespers with the Proclamation of Election and Calling of the Bishop-Elect on Friday, January 31 at 7:00pm, followed by a formal reception in the Cathedral Cultural Center.  The Bishop-Elect will recite his Profession of Faith the next morning, Saturday, February 1 at 9:00am, immediately followed by the Divine Liturgy with the Ordination to the Episcopacy.  A Grand Banquet will follow at the nearby St. John Armenian Church Cultural Center...

Ordination of Archimandrite Andrei into the Episcopacy / Hirotonia Arhimandritului Andrei intru Arhiereu - 12/23/2019
Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-12-23 11:50:18

Alegerea Episcopului Vicar / Election of the Auxiliary Bishop - 11/12/2019
Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-11-12 17:49:16

Dragi Părinți și Iubiți Credincioși, 

Cu bucurie duhovnicească, vă anunțăm că astăzi, 12 noiembrie 2019, Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe în America a ales pe Preacuviosul Părinte Andrei (Hoarste), vicarul Episcopiei noastre, în demnitatea de episcop vicar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Romane din America, cu titulatura de Episcop de Cleveland. Detaliile hirotoniei Episcopului Vicar-ales Andrei de Cleveland vor fi stabilite si comunicate ulterior.

Intru mulți și rodnici ani de slujire, Episcopului Vicar-ales Andrei de Cleveland!

(Vezi: Holy Synod Elects Auxiliary Bishops ( news/headline-news/holy-synod- elects-auxiliary-bishops).  

Cu părintești binecuvântari,

+ NATHANIEL, Arhiepiscop



Dear Fathers and Beloved Faithful,

With spiritual joy, we announce to you that, today, November 12, 2019, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America has elected Reverend Hieromonk Andrei (Hoarste), the vicar of our Diocese, as auxiliary bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America with the title, Bishop of Cleveland. Details of the ordination of Bishop-elect Andrei of Cleveland are forthcoming!

Many blessed and fruitful years of service to Bishop-elect Andrei of Cleveland!

(See the Announcement: Holy Synod Elects Auxiliary Bishops ( news/headline-news/holy-synod- elects-auxiliary-bishops).

With paternal blessings,

+ NATHANIEL, Archbishop

Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-11-07 14:50:13

Psa. Lillian (nee Kapetz) Klysh, beloved wife of Father Mirone Klysh, fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, October 20, 2019, at the Grace Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was born near Roblin, Manitoba on June 15, 1934, the daughter of William and Annie Kapetz...

Dr. Eleanor Bujea (July 7, 1923 - October 28, 2019) - 11/03/2019
Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-11-04 17:22:05

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

It is with great sadness that we announce that Dr. Eleanor Bujea, an accomplished University teacher, dedicated volunteer, Orthodox missionary and supporter of our Episcopate and fell asleep in the Lord on October 28, 2019. She is survived by her dear brother, Rev. Fr. Deacon John Bujea.

· Vigil Prayer Service will be held at Saint George Orthodox Cathedral, Regina, SK on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at 7 PM

· The Funeral Service will be held at Saint George Orthodox Cathedral. Regina, SK on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, from 1 PM

Services will be officiated by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, Rev. Fr. Cristian Frunzulica, the Parish Priest of St George Cathedral and Rev. Fr. Cosmin Vint, Parish Priest of St. Nicolae Parish, Regina.

Rest in peace. Eternal memory!

A brief biography of Dr. Eleanor Bujea is provided below...

Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-10-04 16:04:25

The September 30, 2019, Order of the Michigan Supreme Court, Lansing, Michigan, in the case of the Episcopate vs. Holy Ascension Monastery, Holy Trinity Monastery, Adrian Lupu-Leica, Dorian Conty, Sebastian Stefan Dumitrascu and Ioan Irineu Duvlea, states: “On order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal the March 19, 2019 judgment of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court.”

In March 2019, the “Monastery” filed an appeal of the Michigan Court of Appeals decision which awarded the property of Holy Ascension/Holy Trinity Monastery to the Episcopate. The Supreme Court’s decision upholds that judgment. Although the case has effectively reached its conclusion in favor of the Episcopate, the “Monastery” and named parties have the right to ask the Michigan Supreme Court to reconsider its decision.


Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-06-21 14:51:11

(including a Special Electoral Congress)

English   /   Romanian

Please note: A Special Electoral Congress is scheduled for Saturday, August 31, 2019; therefore, the Congress will now be called into session early, on Friday, August 30, 2019, at 2 pm.

Biography of Reverend Father Vicar Dan Hoarste - English / Romanian

Ascension Monastery Court Case / Procesul in cazul Manastirii Inaltarea Domnului - 04/05/2019
Category: US News
Last updated: 2019-04-05 17:33:11

We are happy to report that the Michigan Court of Appeals recently decided in favor of the Episcopate in the civil court case against Ascension Monastery (also known as Holy Trinity Monastery) and Adrian M. Lupu-Leica. The decision of the Court is available at the following link:

With blessings and all good wishes,

+Archbishop Nathaniel

Blessings from Romania - 07/09/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-07-09 14:48:08

[YONKERS, NY - July 5, 2018] Just as America was preparing for Independence Day celebrations, a delegation from St. Vladimir’s Seminary returned from a trip to Romania meant to further the Seminary’s mission here in North America and abroad.

We have two pieces of good news to share on that front: SVOTS fulfilled its #GivingTuesday promise and presented a gift of $13,000 to the Pro Vita Association for the Born and Unborn in Romania, and the Seminary also officially inked a new academic partnership with Saint Andrei Saguna Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Sibiu. The agreement encourages future student and faculty exchanges and other collaborations between SVOTS and Saint Andrei Saguna. Being able to support Pro Vita in its absolutely incredible work for Romanian families in need is thanks to people like you who helped us raise $126,000 on #GivingTuesday 2017.

Click on the links to read more. We can’t thank you enough for your continued support and prayers that help make these wonderful partnerships possible for the good of the Church and the formation of her future clergy and lay leaders.

Vatra at a Glance - Video of Memorial Day 2018 - 06/11/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-06-11 17:41:22

Preoteasa Juliana Marinescu (1933-2018) - 05/18/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-05-18 11:51:40

Preoteasa Juliana Marinescu fell asleep in the Lord on St. George Day (April 23, 2018) and was buried in a private ceremony. She is survived by daughters Rodica and Monica, their respective spouses Aristotle and John, and their children....


Letter [Romanian] from Her Majesty Margareta - 02/23/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-02-23 15:36:07

Letter [Romanian] from Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown

A letter to His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel, from Her Majesty Margareta, thanking him for his compassionate words and thoughts to her and her family on the sad occasion of the passing into eternal life of her father, King Michael. She writes that King Michael was a wonderful father, a model of morality and a pillar of the contemporary society of their country. Loyal and generous, he demostrated a firm commitment with respect to Nation and Crown.Their fellow citizens were united during those days, proud, grieving and spiritually uplifted. The love, respect and admiration which the Romanian people displayed toward their King on his final journey touched the family profoundly.

The North American Thebaid Photographic Pilgrimage Project - 02/21/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-02-21 16:30:12

Source: The North American Thebaid


Hagia Sophia Classical Academy (Video) - 02/20/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-02-20 13:12:45

Our Precious Gem: Hagia Sophia Classical Academy (Video)

Source: Saints Constantine & Elena Orthodox Church


Metro Detroit priest not giving up after breaking neck, becoming paralyzed during hockey game - 01/24/2018
Category: US News
Last updated: 2018-01-24 10:41:58

The Rev. Dimintrie Vincent broke neck playing hockey

Source: WDIV Channel 4 Detroit

By Larry Spruill - Reporter

DETROIT - A Metro Detroit priest who was once paralyzed is not giving up.

It's all about placing one foot in front of the other for the Rev. Dimintrie Vincent. Just two months ago, he was involved in an accident during a hockey game.

"I got tangled up with one of the guys and got pushed into one of the boards, and my neck broke," Vincent said. "I was completely numb from the head down. I couldn't feel anything but the bottom of my feet."

After many surgeries and doctor visits, he arrived at the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan.

"I arrived here on Dec. 1, and the rehab process began," Vincent said....

Memory Eternal - Fr. Mihai Cociu [UPDATED} - 10/20/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-10-23 17:13:03

London, Ontario - Canada. On Friday, October 20, 2017, Rev. Father Mihai Cociu peacefully fell asleep in the Lord at age 63 after a year-long battle with cancer, with family by his side at University Hospital....

Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-28 00:14:03

Certain procedures were initiated in the late summer of 2015 against then-Bishop Irineu (Duvlea), at that time the Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (ROEA) and Abbot of Holy Ascension Orthodox Christian Monastery (later renamed Holy Ascension Romanian Orthodox Christian Monastery [unauthorized change]), as a consequence of oral reports made to me in my capacity as Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America regarding possible sexual and other misconduct on the part of then-Bishop Irineu. In the course of these procedures, then-Bishop Irineu was officially put on leave of absence which restricted  the performance of his clerical and administrative duties pending the investigation of these allegations by a letter dated August 25, 2015, forwarded to me by Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and by a letter from the Office for Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (ORSMA) of the Orthodox Church in America, dated August 25, 2015, which was addressed to then-Bishop Irineu. On September 1, 2015, a Response Team was appointed to investigate these matters....

Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-27 23:56:55

În vara anului 2015 au fost demarate anumite proceduri împotriva fostului Episcop Irineu (Duvlea), la acel moment Episcop-vicar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America (ROEA) și stareț al Mânăstirii Creștin Ortodoxe „Înălțarea Domnului” (titlu ulterior schimbat în Mănăstirea Românească Creștin Ortodoxă „Înălțarea Domnului” [o schimbare neautorizată]), ca urmare a unor declarații făcute mie în calitate de Arhiepiscop al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America (ROEA), având ca subiect posibile abateri de natură sexuală și disciplinară atribuite Episcopului Irineu. Pe durata acestor proceduri, în așteptarea cercetării acestor acuzații, Episcopul Irineu a fost suspendat, fiind privat de funcțiile sale clericale și administrative, prin scrisoarea din 25 august 2015, trimisă mie de către Mitropolitul Tikhon, Primatul Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, precum și prin scrisoarea primită de la Biroul pentru Verificarea Acuzațiilor de Abuz Sexual (ORSMA) al Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, datată 25 august 2015, adresată fostului episcop Irineu. La 1 septembrie 2015, a fost numită o Comisie de Investigare pentru a cerceta respectivele acuzații....

Mesajul Pastoral al IPS Nathaniel - 07/10/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 12:48:51

29 iunie 2017
Sf. Ap. Petru și Pavel 

Preacucernici și Preacuviosi Părinți și Iubiți Credincioși ai de Dumnezeu păzitei noastre Episcopii, 

Cu adâncă întristare, vă împărtășesc vestea primită de la Cancelaria Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, în dimineața zilei de 28 iunie 2017, în legătură cu statutul fostului nostru episcop vicar Irineu (Duvlea).

Sfântul Sinod al Episcopilor Bisericii Ortodoxe in America s-a întrunit în data de 21 iunie 2017 la Biserica „Sfântul Dumitru” din Jackson, Michigan și a convocat Tribunalul Sinodal pentru a asculta și considera anumite acuzații aduse împotriva episcopului vicar Irineu. În urma analizării și considerării probelor prezentate, Sfântul Sinod a hotărât că Episcopul Irineu trebuie depus din treapta arhieriei și din rândul clerului, fiind redus la statutul de simplu monah....

Pastoral Message of Archbishop Nathaniel - 07/01/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:23

June 29, 2017
Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 

Reverend Fathers and Beloved Faithful of our God-protected Episcopate: 

With profound sadness, I share with you the news received from the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America on the morning of June 28, 2017, in regard to the status of our former Vicar Bishop Irineu Duvlea. 

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America met on June 21, 2017, at St. Demetrius Church in Jackson, Michigan, and convened a Spiritual Court to hear and consider certain accusations brought against Vicar Bishop Irineu.  Following the review and consideration of the evidence presented, the Holy Synod determined that Bishop Irineu should be deposed from the episcopacy and the ranks of the clergy and reduced to the state of lay monk....

The Holy Synod renders decision concerning Bishop Irineu - 06/28/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

SYOSSET, NY [OCA] -- During their annual retreat held in Michigan on June 19-23, 2017, the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America held a special session convening the Synodal Court which canonically deposed the Bishop Irineu (Duvlea), Auxiliary Bishop of the ROEA, from the status and all sacred functions of the episcopacy, removed him from the ranks of the clergy, and returned him to the status of a lay monk.

The letter of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon to the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America reads as follows....

Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

SYOSSET, NY (OCA) - Pe durata retragerii (spirituale) anuale, care a avut loc în Michigan în perioada 19-23 iunie 2017, membrii Sfântului Sinod al Episcopilor Bisericii Ortodoxe în America au convocat o sesiune specială a Curții Sinodale, care a depus pe Episcopul Irineu (Duvlea), Episcop Vicar al ROEA, din treapta de episcop și din toate funcțiile episcopale, precum și din toate treptele clericale, reducându-l la statutul de simplu monah.

Scrisoarea Preafericirii Sale, Mitropolitul Tikhon, adresată Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America, comunică următoarele.

Apasați aici să citiți scrisoarea P.F. Mitropolit Tikhon. 

$8,500.00 still needed for Elena Maria’s May 1 surgery - 04/21/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Click here to view the letter from Nobody's Children.

CLICK HERE to donate via PayPal.


Free Book Promotion: Metropolitan Serafim Joanta - 04/07/2017
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

The book "Treasures of Romanian Christianity: Hesychast Tradition and Culture," written by Metropolitan Serafim Joanta, will be available for free in e-book (Amazon Kindle) format on Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and on Holy Pascha (April 8-9, 16, 2017) at the the following link:

HELP MARIA - Make a Christmas Miracle Happen - 12/12/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

The 25-year old charity, Nobody's Children, a 501(c)(3)(a) tax-exempt organization founded in 1991 in New Hampshire, is working urgently with Dr. Antonio Capone, Jr. and Dr. Michael Trese of Associated Retinal Consultants from The William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI, the world's experts in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), to help Maria Elena Sauca of Maramures, Romania. Maria is a  7 mo old infant with rapidly progressive blindness who needs surgery urgently to prevent further visual loss. Her operation is scheduled for Jan 9, 2017. Please contribute toward this $24,000-26,000 surgery. Thank you in advance for any support you can find to help this beautiful little girl. All the donations received via the PayPal link on Nobody's Children website will go toward helping Maria receive this surgery. Parishes are encouraged to make an urgent appeal to their parishioners via email / Facebook or other social media to meet the deadline. Click here and here for more information.

Camp Vatra Collection - 11/29/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Just in time for Christmas! Camp Vatra alumni and supporters, show your pride and support for Camp Vatra by purchasing shirts today for yourself and your loved ones....

Thy Will Be Done: Strategic Leadership, Planning, and Management for Christians - 10/25/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Source: St Vladimir's Seminary Press

Peter Danilchick, a protodeacon [Protection of the Mother of God Church, Falls Church VA - Romanian Diocese] and retired corporate executive, brings his experience and expertise to bear on the meaning, challenges, and techniques of strategic leadership, planning, and management for Christians in his new book: Thy Will Be Done: Strategic Leadership, Planning, and Management for Christians. Many books examine these skills from a business perspective, but none have incorporated the timeless wisdom of the Orthodox faith. Thy Will Be Done serves as a bridge between the ecclesiastical and corporate worlds, drawing on Scripture and the Church fathers, together with the strategies and best practices of the business world....

Psa. Silvia Yova - Memory Eternal! - 10/21/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

(October 24, 2016 - Fairlawn, Ohio) Following a long illness, Preoteasa Silvia nee Balaj Yova, beloved wife of (+) Protodeacon Paul, fell asleep in the Lord at home today surrounded by her loving family. The calling hours will be at her church (Presentation of Our Lord, 3365 Ridgewood Rd., in Fairlawn) on Monday, October 24, from 4-6:30 p.m. The funeral will follow immediately at 6:30 p.m. followed by a reception. A private burial will be held the next morning. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her memory to either her church, Project Mexico, or St. Gregory Palamas Monastery in Perrysville, Ohio. May God grant her rest and may her memory be eternal!

Click on the following link for her full obituary:

Church's Holy Rollers believe in their pumpkin roll fundraiser - 10/19/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Source: The Herald - Sharon Pennsylvania

By SANDY SCARMACK Herald Staff Writer / October 17, 2016

HERMITAGE – It’s almost too picturesque to be real. A beautiful old church, nestled among trees bursting in shades of orange and crimson, the sun shining bright and the cozy, welcoming scent of ginger and nutmeg, wafting out the door. Fall is here and so are the Pumpkin Holy Rollers, a dedicated group of volunteers at Holy Cross Orthodox Church on Maple Road, where they chop, stir, whip, fold and bake up arguably one of the best pumpkin rolls around....

In Memory - Ersilia Maximo (sister of Fr. John Toconita) - 09/17/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Ersilia Maximo (nee Toconita), a lifelong resident of the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia peacefully fell asleep in the Lord on September 13th, 2016 with family by her side. She was 94 years of age....

Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

The Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America gathered in its 84th Annual Session at Vatra Romaneasca, in Grass Lake, Michigan, passed unanimously the following resolution in its opening session:

Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

     For the sake of efficiency and good order, all Congress Delegates and Visitors will register at the Tent in front of the Chancery Office (east side of Grey Tower Road across from the Vatra Campus). The registration will be a drive-thru process...

Fire at Ascension Monastery Destroys Church / Biserica Mănăstirii Înălțarea Domnului a Fost Mistuită de Flăcări - 08/13/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

[CLINTON, MI - August 12, 2016] With sadness, we report the fact that around noon on Friday, August 12, the church of Ascension of the Lord Monastery in Clinton, Michigan burned down....
[CLINTON, MI - 12 August, 2016] Cu părere de rău, vă aducem la cunoștință faptul că în ziua de 12 august, în jurul amiezii, biserica Mănăstirii Înălțarea Domnului din Clinton, Michigan a fost mistuită de flăcări....

Queen Anne of Romania – Obituary - 08/03/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

The Telegraph - August 1, 2016

Queen Anne of Romania, born September 18 1923, died August 1 2016

Princess Anne of Romania, who has died aged 92, was queen of a country whose language she did not speak and on whose soil she did not step until she was nearly 70....


Letter from His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel to King Michael.

New “Orthodoxy in America” app now available at no charge - 07/14/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Priest John Parsells, Rector of Christ the Savior Mission, Berlin, MD, and his associates at Orthodox Web Solutions have developed a new free app—“Orthodoxy in America”—for smartphones and tablets.

“This app is much more than just a church locator,” explains Father John. “It brings together news, social posts, daily audio, and trending photos, as well as video and 360 tours from the various jurisdictions, agencies, seminaries, monasteries, and Orthodox media outlets, including Ancient Faith, Orthodox Christian Network, Pravmir, Pemptousia,, Patristic Nectar, Sister Vassa, Y2AM, and others. News from the Orthodox Church in America and its institutions also are featured in this app, which is offered to help inform, educate and inspire the faithful to live and share their Faith!”

Android, Apple, and Windows versions—totally free and without advertisements—are in the app stores now and may be downloaded free of charge.

Ecumenical Patriarchate Provides Resources for Holy and Great Council - 05/25/2016
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

NEW YORK –  [Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America] An historic gathering for the Orthodox Christian Churches, the first of its kind in 1200 years, is being supported with both digital communications and a multilingual team of experts. A website,, provides background information on the Holy and Great Council, which will meet in Crete June 16-27 and gathers representatives from the 14 autocephalous (internally self-governing) Orthodox Churches to discuss issues ranging from the mission of the Orthodox Church in the modern world and its relations with other Christian churches, to the importance of fasting and the sacrament of marriage....

- 12/22/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21



- 12/17/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21



Camp Vatra alumni and supporters, show your pride and support for Camp Vatra by purchasing a limited-edition Tshirt or Sweatshirt today!  All proceeds from this sale will go toward helping to fund another year of programs for our youth.

Due to popular demand, we are now offering these black & white shirts based on the commemorative t-shirts presented to our campers each year.  (Black & white seems to have been our most popular color combination!)

This is a limited time offer, so don't miss your chance to order now.  Once the sales campaign is over on January 15, shirts will no longer be available.  (All shirts will be printed and shipped after January 15.) 


Purchase online only at:


Please help spread the word (including “sharing” the above page on social media) so that our many former campers and friends will have the opportunity to participate. 


Thank you in advance for your continued support!

CLICK HERE for more information and to place your order!

- 09/01/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21


(September 1, 2015 – Grass Lake, MI) The Episcopate Office has been notified by the Office for Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (ORSMA) of the Orthodox Church in America, that His Grace, Bishop Irineu (Duvlea), Bishop of Dearborn Heights and Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, is being investigated for allegations of sexual misconduct....


(2015-09-01 - Grass Lake, MI) Cancelaria Episcopiei a fost notificată de către Biroul de Investigare și Revizuire a Acuzațiilor de Abatere Sexuală (ORSMA) a Bisericii Ortodoxe din America despre faptul că Preasfințitul Părinte Irineu (Duvlea), Episcop de Dearborn Heights și Episcop Vicar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America, este cercetat pentru acuzația de comportament sexual neadecvat....

- 07/28/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

How to Expand the Mission - A Video Presentation by the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America at the 18th Annual All-America Council of the Orthodox Church in America

CLICK HERE to view the video.

- 05/06/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Funeral of Archimandrite Roman

A photo gallery from the funeral of Archimandrite Roman (Braga) is now posted. CLICK HERE.

Photos courtesy of Subdeacon Tom Rosco.

- 04/29/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Memory Eternal: Archimandrite Roman Braga

RIVES JUNCTION, MI [OCA]  Archimandrite Roman [Braga], 93, of the Monastery of the Holy Dormition here fell asleep in the Lord shortly before midnight on the evening of Tuesday, April 28, 2015....

- 03/30/2015
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Holy Synod responds to Assembly of Bishops’ “Common Starting Point”

SYOSSET, NY [OCA]  In a document dated March 15, 2015, the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America offered a response to the Chairman and Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America with regard to the “Common Starting Point” for Canonical and Regional Planning.

The text of the six-page document is available here.

- 09/20/2014
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Assembly of Bishops Issues Message to the Faithful, Statement on Middle East

Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America concluded its fifth annual meeting on Thursday in Dallas, Texas. The Assembly issued a message to the faithful and a statement on the Middle East.

Both texts can be found here: Message to the Faithful and Statement on the Middle East

In other business, the Assembly reviewed and approved the 2015 budget. Assembly VI will be held September 15-17, 2015. The location is to be determined.

Documents pertaining to Assembly V, including the minutes, 2015 budget and committee reports, will be forthcoming on the Assembly's website.

OCA Holy Synod issues Preliminary Response to canonical restructuring proposals by the Assembly of Bishops - 09/19/2014
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:23

[Syosset, NY]  A Preliminary Response of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America to proposals with regard to canonical restructuring, a topic of discussion at the fifth meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America in Dallas, TX September 15-19, 2014, was issued and distributed to all bishops on September 17.

The text of the Preliminary Response reads as follows.


September 17, 2014

“The light of Orthodoxy was not lit to shine only on a small number of men. The Orthodox Church is universal; it remembers the words of its Founder: ‘Go ye unto all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature’ [Mark 16:15]….  We ought to share our spiritual wealth, our truth, light, and joy with others who are deprived of these blessings, but often are seeking them and thirsting for them….” [St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Enlightener of North America Homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy, 1903, San Francisco].

The fourth gathering of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America (ACOB) took place on September 17-19, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. At that meeting, the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning presented a Proposal for Canonical Administrative Restructuring, which was discussed in detail at several sessions by the assembled bishops.

According to the minutes of Assembly IV, “[t]here was a general sense that there was no agreement on the proposed model at this time, but that the model was a good starting point for further discussion and development.” In addition, the suggestion was made that, “following the conclusion of Assembly IV, there should be discussion within each jurisdiction about the proposals.”

More recently, the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning has forwarded to all the bishops of the Assembly an updated proposal for canonical restructuring in our region along with a second unsolicited proposal from an interested group outside of the Committee. These are being discussed at our Assembly gathered here in Dallas. Several jurisdictions have already offered responses to the most recent proposals or expanded on the comments they have made about last year’s Proposal.

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America is presently considering its own fuller and more comprehensive contribution to the present discussion but offers the following points as an outline of some principles which we feel should be considered by the brothers of the Assembly:

  1. The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America remains committed to the work of the Assembly of Bishops and is grateful to the Most Holy Patriarchs and Primates for initiating the process that has taken us from the Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan Orthodox Conference in Chambésy, Switzerland in June of 2009 to our present expectation of a Great and Holy Council in 2016.
  2. We likewise remain supportive of the efforts of the Assembly of Bishops within our region, which has met now for five years in a row, in a spirit of mutual love and respect, with a view to fulfill the mandate of the “swift healing of every canonical anomaly” in our region and to propose, by consensus, a plan for canonical reorganization to be submitted in time for the Great and Holy Council [Message of the Patriarchs 3.12].
  3. In particular, we offer sincere thanks to Archbishop Nicolae, the Chairman of the Canonical Regional Planning Committee, along with all its members and consultants, for their excellent initiative and work to date. We recognize the exhaustive research and complex reflection that were required to address the issue of canonical organization in our region. We also acknowledge the many hours of discussion and review that have gone into the drafting of the initial 2013 proposal and the subsequent proposals presented to this Assembly.
  4. We also would like to acknowledge the concerns expressed on the two proposals that we are considering here in Dallas, including those referring specifically to the canonical implications of the proposals, the duty of the Mother Churches to pastorally care for the flock of their particular ethnic and cultural heritage and the need address current variations in pastoral and ecclesiastical practice. These are legitimate concerns that must be carefully addressed in any plan that is put forward. We also emphasize that the principle of consensus, which has been operative on the global level through the Synaxes of the Holy Patriarchs and the Chambésy process, as well as within our own Assembly, must be preserved as we look to finalize our Assembly’s proposal to the Great and Holy Council.
  5. We note that the two proposals most recently distributed to the bishops articulate two different approaches to the question of canonical restructuring. The first (from the Committee) proposed a 10-year path towards a potential autocephaly via an interim status of autonomy to be overseen by all the Primates of the Orthodox Churches. The second (from an unsolicited source) proposes a similar 10-year plan but with the emphasis on common and concerted joint local effort of the members of the Assembly in addressing a number of specific areas (pension, theological education, missions, etc.).
  6. Although both plans present concrete solutions, the Holy Synod of the OCA feels that both options require further discussion and analysis both within the Assembly and within each of our respective jurisdictions. Nevertheless, in terms of a principle of approach, we remain committed to the vision of a fully functioning and canonical local Church in our region. Therefore, we continue to maintain the principle that the best solution for this region is a canonically and administratively united local Church with a properly functioning Holy Synod.
  7. We acknowledge that the status of the Orthodox Church in America as an autocephalous Church is not universally recognized within the Orthodox world. We likewise re-affirm that we do not consider our autocephaly as an obstacle to a broader autocephaly, which is, in fact, envisioned within the Tomos of Autocephaly, granted to us by the Russian Orthodox Church. In the words of His Eminence, Archbishop Dmitri, of blessed memory, who was bishop here in Dallas: The Orthodox Church in America is autocephalous not in order to be self-sufficient and isolated, but in order to be in living communion and close contact with all Orthodox Churches… The Orthodox Church in America received autocephaly not in order to be master of Orthodox unity in America but in order to be a servant of this unity.
  8. At the same time, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America fully acknowledges that attention needs to be legitimately directed to the question of the pastoral and administrative care of particular ethnic/cultural groups. The cooperative work that has been undertaken by all the brothers gathered here, not only through the work of the Assembly, its Committees and Agencies, but for many decades before. We are confident that the universal dimension of the Orthodox Church, reflected in the beautiful diversity of the Orthodox presence in the United States, should remain a hallmark of our Church here. Is it not possible that an administratively united Church might offer a more effective means to collectively and in brotherly fashion assist the bishops of the Assembly in the care of the diversity of our faithful?
  9. As such, we ask our brothers of the Assembly to consider a broader question: For what purpose has God, in His infinite Wisdom and Providence, brought us together in this country? Is our answer a positive response to the Lord’s commandment to “preach the Gospel to every creature”? Is our answer to look to the model provided St. Tikhon at the turn of the last century, and to “share our spiritual wealth … with others who are deprived of these blessings”? In His High Priestly Prayer in St. John’s Gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ prays to the Father and asks that “they may be one, as we are”. How is this to be realized if we place limits on our responsibility to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? St. Paul tells the Galatians that “There is neither Jew nor Greek … for you are all one in Christ Jesus” [Gal. 3:28] Does this not direct us to see no difference between the immigrant from Russia and the one from Indonesia, between the one from Africa and the one from Central America? Does this not direct us to see the Agnostic, the Protestant, the Buddhist or Taoist in the same way we see the marginal Orthodox Christian?

For these reasons, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America strongly urges that all efforts continue to be made by the Assembly to fulfill the expectation of the Most Holy Primates, as re-iterated by His All-Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew, in his inspiring address to us this morning, that we offer a proposal which “moves beyond words to actions” and which “puts our theology into practice.” We submit that the most clear and direct path to this goal is the establishment of a local autocephalous Orthodox Church here in our region and recommend this to the Assembly for their consideration as the most effective way to fulfill the exhortation of His All Holiness: “To move beyond what is mine and yours, to what is ours.”

Communiqué of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches - 03/11/2014
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

(March 9, 2014 - Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople) By the grace of God, the proceedings of the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches concluded today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Synaxis took place at the Phanar from 6-9 March, 2014, at the invitation and under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and was attended by all the most venerable Primates in person, with the exception of His Beatitude Patriarch John of Antioch, who, due to illness, was represented by Hierarchs of his Church. 

- 05/16/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21


- 05/16/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21


CLICK HERE to view the message.

- 04/19/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

"They Gather Here No More" Video
The story of St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church in Terre Haute, Indiana and its closing.


- 03/21/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

The Enthronement Speech of His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East

Click Here to view the speech (in PDF format).

- 03/05/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Letter from His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel to ROEA Monasteries regarding Sacraments

Click here to view the letter.

- 02/28/2013
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Assembly of Bishops Makes Orthodox Christian Research Reports Available Online

Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America

The Assembly of Bishops Research Coordinator, Alexei Krindatch, has prepared a range of reports on Orthodox Christianity in America. Along with the following research summaries, the full reports are available in PDF format. ...

- 12/17/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Patriarch-Elect Youhanna (John) X of Antioch

Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

His Eminence the Metropolitan Archbishop of Western and Central Europe has been elected Patriarch of the Great City-of-God Antioch and all the East. The Patriarch-elect Youhanna X (Yaziji) was elected by the members of the Holy Synod earlier today, December 17, during a special session held at the Balamand Patriarchal Monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Continued...

His Beatitude, Patriarch Ignatius of Antioch and All of the East Falls Asleep in the Lord - 12/05/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Source: Orthodox Church in America


Two days after he was admitted to Saint George Hospital here, His Beatitude, Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch and All the East fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.

Patriarch Ignatius had suffered a severe stroke on Monday, December 3, and had been under the care of physicians in the hospital’s intensive care unit.  He was 91 years old.  [See related story.] ...Continued

Letter of Thanks from Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church for the Episcopate Parishes' Donation for the Cathedral for the Nation's Salvation - 11/14/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Click here (Romanian)

Related Story
Românii din America sprijină zidirea Catedralei Mântuirii Neamului -

Archbishop Tikhon elected Metropolitan of All America and Canada - 11/13/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

PARMA, OH [OCA]  His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, was elected Primate of the Orthodox Church in America during the 17th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America at Holy Trinity Church here Tuesday, November 13, 2012. . . .continued

- 08/29/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

"This is Your Church" video:
The life and work of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.

URBAN MISSION 2012 - JUNE 20-24, 2012 - DETROIT, MICHIGAN - 03/12/2012
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:39

more information >

Sfinţirea Bisericii Sfânta Maria / Consecration of St. Mary Church - Anaheim, California - 11/22/2011
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Click on the following link to view a slide presentation:

Eighth Annual CLERGY "CONFERTREAT" - November 8-11, 2011 - 10/19/2011
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:23

The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Eighth Annual
Tues., November 8 – Fri., November 11, 2011
At the Franciscan Renewal Center, Paradise Valley AZ
Main Speaker:
V. Rev. Fr. George Morelli, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Chaplain and Pastoral Counseling Ministry,
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese  

Fr. Morelli is a seasoned professional in the areas of Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy. An active pastor and leader, he chairs the archdiocesan Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Ministry, and is also Religion Coordinator and Liaison of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine. He lives in San Diego, California, where he is Assistant Pastor at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Fr. George has taught university and seminary courses in psychology and pastoral theology, and supervised doctoral clinical psychology interns. He has authored numerous articles in the field of psychology, and is also the author of Healing: Orthodox Christianity and Scientific Psychology. He can be heard on Ancient Faith Radio through his weekly podcast Healing: Orthodox Spirituality and Psychology. Also a regular contributor to, Fr. George has graciously allowed the Antiochian Archdiocese to reproduce his writings on [its] website ( 

Send reservation and payment to ROEA Chancery IMMEDIATELY

$350 includes lodging, meals, materials and speaker expenses.  Make checks payable to ROEA.

Airport:  Phoenix Sky Harbor

Plan to arrive early afternoon on Tuesday, Nov 8.  The Confertreat will end with Divine Liturgy and breakfast on Friday, Nov. 11.  Plan your return flight home anytime after noon on Friday.

If you wish to stay an extra day, and visit the Phoenix / Grand Canyon area, you may remain at the Renewal Center for an extra cost of $110/ night, including meals.  Please send payment for this extra time together with your registration IMMEDIATELY.

Questions?  Contact Fr. Ian Pac-Urar: 330.329.5353

Editorial: De Mortuis Nihil Nisi Bonum (Speak Only Well of the Dead) - 09/01/2011
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:23

(A response to an article published in the Mitropolia Banatului Review, sent on July 27, 2011) 

Not long ago, I read an article published in Mitropolia Banatului Review, no. 22, (LXII, new series, January-March, 2011). On pages 7-11 of this publication, I found a homage to the late metropolitan and writer Bartolomeu Anania, entitledIn Memoriam, written by Fr. Horia Ţâru. I read it with interest and appreciated its content, but I was troubled by some statements that could have been omitted, just so that we would let the dead rest in peace. I am writing to inform you that the article has some problems of both accuracy and methodology. . . .Click here for the rest of the article.

(Un raspuns la un articol publicat in revista Mitropolia Banatului trimis pe 27 Iulie 2011)

Nu de mult, mi-a căzut în mână un articol publicat în Revista Altarul Banatului, nr. 22, (LXII), serie noua, ianuarie-martie, 2011. Am găsit la paginile 7-11 ale revistei un omagiu intitulat In memoriam, adus de preotul Horia Ţâru, mitropolitului şi scriitorului Bartolomeu Anania al Clujului. L-am citit cu interes şi i-am gustat conţinutul, dar am fost tulburat de anumite afirmaţii care s-ar fi putut omite, ca sa-I lăsăm pe cei morţI să doarmă în pace. De aceea, vă scriu spre a semnala faptul că prezentarea are câteva scadenţe, atât din punct de vedere metodologic, cât şi faptic. . . .Apăsaţi aici pentru continuare.

Text of the Decision adopted in Chambesy in June regarding the “diaspora” and the Rules of Operation of Episcopal Assemblies in the Orthodox Diaspora - 06/13/2011
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-11 13:58:39

Text of the Decision adopted in Chambesy in June regarding the “diaspora” and the Rules of Operation of Episcopal Assemblies in the Orthodox Diaspora - Click here for full text.

Archbishop Nathaniel, Bishop Irineu meet with western European Romanian bishops - 12/17/2010
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

ROME, ITALY [OCA] -- His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate and His Grace, Bishop Irineu of Dearborn Heights, participated in a gathering of western European Romanian bishops, the theme of which was "Conscience and Canonical Orthodox Ecclesiology," at the headquarters of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Italy here during the last week of November 2010. Attending the gathering, the third of its kind, were bishops from the Metropolia of Western and Southern Europe and the Metropolia of Germany, Central and North Europe, according to the Romanian Patriarchate's news agency "Basilica."  Quoting His Grace, Bishop Siluan of Italy, Basilica reported that the meeting provided an opportunity for the hierarchs to share pastoral experiences in their respective regions and to discuss various aspects of mission, Christian identity, and the sharing of the faith and traditions in light of major westward emigration of Romanians witnessed since the fall of communism in Romania. During the gathering the hierarchs celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Rome's mid-second century Saint Callistus Catacombs. 

Statement of Clarification - 10/18/2010
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

[ROEA Chancery - October 18, 2010] Concerned that unofficial internet postings distort and misrepresent the current status of the dialogue of reconciliation with our sister Romanian eparchy in North America, we offer the following information.  The Press Release posted on our website,, is the only official statement of the ROEA on this issue. We deplore any other postings that claim to report factual information from unknown “sources close to the Episcopate”. Such erroneous postings disinform and foster disunity in the Church and our Episcopate.                                                          

more information >


[Cancelaria ROEA, 18 Octombrie 2010] Preocupat de faptul că anumite comunicări neoficiale făcute pe internet deformează şi reprezintă eronat statutul curent al dialogului de reconciliere cu eparhia soră Ortodoxă Română din America de Nord, oferim următoarea clarificare.  Comunicatul de Presă publicat pe website-ul nostru,, este singura comunicare oficială din partea ROEA (Episcopiei Ortodoxe Romane din America) pe această temă. Deplângem orice alte declaraţii care pretind că rapoartează informaţii “factuale” provenite de la “unele surse apropiate Episcopiei.” Astfel de declaraţii eronate dezinformează şi alimentează dezbinare în Sf. Biserică şi în Episcopia noastră.

The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America - Press Release - 10/04/2010
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

[October 4, 2010] - The 78th Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America was held October 1-2 at St Mary Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio.                                                                                                                        more information >

Comunicat de Presă
Cel de-al 78-lea Congres al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America s-a ţinut în zilele de 1-2 octombrie, la Catedrala Sf. Maria din Cleveland, Ohio. 

Clarificări din Partea Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române din America în legătură cu articolul "Schizma ortodocşilor români din SUA, aproape de final" (România liberă, 26 noiembrie 2009). - 11/30/2009
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

APĂSAŢI AICI să citiţi.

Text of the Decision adopted in Chambesy in June regarding the “diaspora” and the Rules of Operation of Episcopal Assemblies in the Orthodox Diaspora - - 06/13/2009
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

  Click here for full text.

Archbishop's Address to 2009 Episcopate Congress - 06/01/2009
Category: US News
Last updated: 2017-07-01 15:18:21

Address of His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel to the 77th Episcopate Congress, July 2009 - English / Romanian

Ascension Monastery Court Case / Procesul in cazul Manastirii Inaltarea Domnului 04/05/19

We are happy to report that the Michigan Court of Appeals recently decided in favor of the Episcopate in the civil court case against Ascension Monastery (also known as Holy Trinity Monastery) and Adrian M. Lupu-Leica. The decision of the Court is available at the following link:

With blessings and all good wishes,

+Archbishop Nathaniel


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A presentation concerning a Proposed Meeting of Hierarchs in North America to consider the administrative unification of the jurisdictions into one - by +Nathaniel, Archbishop of Detroit - CLICK HERE

Prayer Request
Please Pray for Members of the Episcopate Serving in the Armed Forces
St. George
Winnipeg, MB
Brown, STEVE
Sergeant Major
St. Mary
Chicago, IL
1st Lieutenant
Grand Rapids, MI
Master Sergeant
St. Michael
Aurora, IL
Haney, Dr. AARON
Sts. Constantine & Helen
Indianapolis, IN
Lieutenant Colonel
Holy Trinity
Miramar, FL
Holy Cross
Hermitage, PA
Master Corporal
St. Mary
Calgary, AB
Navel Lieutenant
Sts. Constantine & Helen
Indianapolis, IN
Madsen, KC
Naval Lieutenant
Sts. Constantine & Helen
Indianapolis, IN
Mogosanu, ANDREI
Navy Cadet
St. Mary
Calgary, AB
Slywka, DAVID
Master Corporal
St. George
Dysart, SK
Sofronie, MIHAI
St. Joseph
Hazleton, PA
T. Sergeant
St. Mary Cathedral
Cleveland, OH
Tolle, MICAH
Sts. Constantine & Helen
Indianapolis, IN
Wixson, BRANDON Eugene
Lance Corporal
Sts. Peter & Paul
Heights, MI

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