Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
It is with great sadness that we announce that Dr. Eleanor Bujea, an accomplished University teacher, dedicated volunteer, Orthodox missionary and supporter of our Episcopate and fell asleep in the Lord on October 28, 2019. She is survived by her dear brother, Rev. Fr. Deacon John Bujea.
· Vigil Prayer Service will be held at Saint George Orthodox Cathedral, Regina, SK on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at 7 PM
· The Funeral Service will be held at Saint George Orthodox Cathedral. Regina, SK on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, from 1 PM
Services will be officiated by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, Rev. Fr. Cristian Frunzulica, the Parish Priest of St George Cathedral and Rev. Fr. Cosmin Vint, Parish Priest of St. Nicolae Parish, Regina.
Rest in peace. Eternal memory!
A brief biography of Dr. Eleanor Bujea is provided below the message in Romanian.
Cu inimile indoliate va anunțăm că Dr. Eleanor Bujea, profesoară universitara, o dedicata voluntara, misionara a Ortodoxiei și susținătoare a Episcopiei noastre, a adormit întru Domnul pe 28 octombrie 2019.
• Slujba de Priveghere va avea loc la Catedrala Ortodoxă Sfântul Gheorghe din Regina, marți, 5 noiembrie 2019, de la 19:00.
• Serviciul funerar va avea loc la Catedrala Ortodoxă Sfântul Gheorghe din Regina miercuri, 6 noiembrie 2019, de la 13:00.
Serviciile vor fi oficiate de Înaltpreasfințitul Părinte Arhiepiscop Nathaniel al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române a Americii, Părintele Cristian Frunzulica, preotul paroh al Catedralei Sf. Gheorghe și Părintele Cosmin Vint, preot paroh al parohiei Sf. Nicolae, Regina.
Va rugam frumos sa o pomeniti in rugaciunile Sfintiilor Voastre si la Sf. Proscomidie.
Odihnească-se în pace. Veșnica ei pomenire!
Brief Biography of Dr. Eleanor Bujea
Dr. Eleanor Bujea was born in the City of Regina in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Her parents were Pamfil and Maria Bujea who left Romania for Canada in 1908 and 1910 respectively. Her grandparents were from Moldavia and Fagaras who, after receiving homesteads in Dobrogea, raised their families in the small village of Dorobantu, Dobrogea.
Pamfil married Maria Alecse and left Romania for Canada with his brother-in-law, Dumitru Vilcu to find a better place to raise his family. Pamfil was the oldest of his siblings and, recognizing that his father had limited land resources to leave to the other siblings, left for the "promised land" where homesteads were for the taking. Pamfil and Maria were early pioneers in Saskatchewan bearing eight children, six of whom survived, became well-educated and entered professional fields. Mary, the oldest, and George held 4 degrees each, Anne held three degrees, Helen chose to be an Administrative Assistant, Eleanor and John both held 4 degrees, and each earned a doctorate.
Eleanor's work experience showed that she pioneered in a variety of fields involving the community and the education of children, adults, and seniors.
Eleanor's first work experience was as a child, working in her father's grocery store, greeting and serving customers, stacking groceries on shelves and delivering groceries on a bicycle before going to school and after school.
Her first position in the business community was working for an insurance company, volunteering her time so that she could gain valuable experience and a "letter of reference" needed to obtain a paying position. After completion of her first degree, she worked as a secretary and was promoted to the position of Assistant Production Manager for the Saskatchewan Cooperative Creameries Ltd. in Regina.
Since she was an Accountant, a position typically filled by men at that time. She could not find this kind of work in Regina, so she left for Montreal and found the companies in the eastern provinces did not believe in hiring women as Accountants either. She earned her way back to Regina by taking a position as a Secretary with a large pharmaceutical company.
Upon returning to Regina, she found a job as Accountant and Field Auditor with the Saskatchewan Federated Cooperatives Ltd. After approximately five years, her job turned into a training position for beginning employees in the Accounting Department. This renewed her childhood ambition to become a teacher and she returned to university for more education, this time in the teaching field. She was a teacher of business subjects and department head in three Saskatchewan high schools.
At that time, there were few qualified business teachers in Saskatchewan and a university degree program in this area was not available in Saskatchewan or Canada. After voicing her concern to university officials and business teacher organizations about the lack of qualified business teachers in the province, she was invited to prepare a brief describing the need for a business teacher training program. In time, her voice was heard, and approval was given to her to develop the university business teacher education baccalaureate program. She also developed a program for a Master of Education degree in Business Education for the university. She was honored by the University of Regina when she was presented with the title of Professor Emeritus.
Eleanor's professional work included: authoring a textbook "Teaching Computing" and contributing articles to professional journals. She contributed articles to SOLIA, a publication of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. She wrote ten histories: four on teacher organizations, two on retired teacher organizations in Saskatchewan, two on auxiliaries for the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, one on the multilingual association of Regina and her doctoral dissertation on "Business Teacher Education in Canada, 1900 to 1970".
Her work with organizations included: Cable Regina Steering Committee Member which was set up to organize the first cable company in Regina, Charter member of the first executive of the Cable Board and member for nine years. During this time, she encouraged multi-cultural groups to become active members of Cable Regina which carried local talent programs, both general and ethnic. She was also a member of the following boards: Teletheater - Regina (Member); A.R.O.Y. (Treasurer); A.R.F.O.R.A. (President); Y.W.C.A. (Member of the Board); Western Canada Summer Games (Member); Regina Multi-cultural Council (President for nine years and credited with setting up the first annual MOSAIC in the City of Regina); Canadian Multi-cultural Council (Member); R.O.E.A. Episcopate Council (Member off and on for more than twenty years); Regina Business and Professional Women's Club (President); University Women's Club, (Executive member); Administrative Management Society (President of the Regina Chapter and Area Director for an area including three states and two provinces). As chairperson of a Steering Committee of the Association of Romanian Canadian Ladies Auxiliaries (A.R.C.O.L.A.), she helped organize it and became its first president. She also sang in the Regina Philharmonic Chorus and served as its treasurer.
Eleanor received several honors: Reported in the Leader-Post of Regina by the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women that she was one of twenty-two Canadian Women receiving honorable mention for serving their communities in their provinces; Citizen of the Day from CKRM Regina; First Honorary Member of the Association of Canadian Commercial Colleges; Ambassador Award and Diamond Merit Award from the Administrative Management Society; Commemorative Medal on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Her Majesty's Reign, 1977; the first Award of Merit presented by the Regina Multi-Cultural Council; Senator's Award, Orthodox Brotherhood of Canada; Canadian College of Teachers Fellowship (FCCT) 1983; CABET Award Recipient, 1985; The Mayor's Community Volunteer Award for die year 2000. In 2002 she was awarded the Y.W.C.A. Women of Distinction for Lifetime Achievement Award.
Eleanor worked with the young people of the Romanian Orthodox Church and organized a singing and dancing group that participated in the Regina MOSAIC for several years. She was a member of the Canadian Multi-Cultural Council and president of the Saskatchewan Multicultural Club, the first woman president. Upon retirement from her teaching position, she continued with her work as a volunteer.
Eleanor Bujea was the president of a small business which she and her brother founded and operated successfully for approximately thirty-five years.
Rev. Fr. Vasile Hategan (+) wrote this about her m the 1999 America Journal: "Dr. Eleanor Bujea is an activist in Romanian affairs in Canada and America... (she) wrote a scholarly and informative study of the National Auxiliary (ARFORA) and published it in a 287 page hard covered book in 1998."
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