We are happy to report that the Michigan Court of Appeals recently decided in favor of the Episcopate in the civil court case against Ascension Monastery (also known as Holy Trinity Monastery) and Adrian M. Lupu-Leica.
The decision of the Court is available at the following link: https://roea.org/files/Legal/MI_Court_of_Appeals_Decision.PDF.
With blessings and all good wishes,
+Archbishop Nathaniel
Va informam cu bucurie ca Tribunalul de Apel al Statului Michigan a decis recent in favoarea Episcopiei in procesul civil impotriva Manastirii Inaltarea Domnului (de asemenea denumita si Manastirea Sfanta Treime) si lui Adrian M. Lupu-Leica.
Decizia tribunalului este disponibila la urmatorul link: https://roea.org/files/Legal/MI_Court_of_Appeals_Decision.PDF.
Cu binecuvantari si urari de bine!
+ Arhiepiscop Nathaniel
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