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ARFORA Annual Congress: June 26-28, 2020 (ONLINE)...Camp Vatra 2020 CANCELLED [Follow the Camp Vatra Facebook page ( for Special Events & Updates...

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025  
  1.      For the sake of efficiency and good order, all Congress Delegates and Visitors will register at the Tent in front of the Chancery Office (east side of Grey Tower Road across from the Vatra Campus).
  2.      The registration will be a drive-thru process, so no one will need to exit their car. Cars will be directed into the north entrance of the Chancery Office parking area where an Episcopate Representative will approach each car to complete the registration process.
  3.      Each person will be given a wristband to wear for the duration of the Congress (if the band is lost, the person must re-register and obtain a new wristband).
  4.      Each car will then be directed to the south exit and proceed straight ahead into the Vatra Campus grounds where wristbands will be checked. No one will be permitted to enter the grounds without a wristband. Each car will then be directed to the parking area.
  5.      All Congress sessions will be held in the upstairs chapel. All Liturgical services will be held in the downstairs chapel. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding! 

Episcopate Congress Organization Committee


Procedura de Inregistrare 

  1.     Pentru eficienta si buna ordine, inregistrarea tuturor delegatiilor la Congres si a vizitatorilor se va face la cortul special amenajat in fata cladirii administrative a Cancelariei Episcopale (partea de est a Grey Tower Rd, peste drum de proprietatea Vetrei).
  2.     Toate masinile vor fi directionate prin intrarea de nord in parcarea cladirii administrative in fata cortului unde un reprezentant al Episcopiei va veni direct la masina pentru a face inregistrarea fiecarei persoane. Nu este nevoie sa va dati jos din masina dumneavoastra.
  3.     Fiecare persoana inregistrata va primi o bratara de purtat la mana pe durata Congresului. Daca aceasta bratara este pierduta, acea persoana trebuie sa se inregistreze din nou. Nimeni nu va primi accesul pe proprietate fara bratara pusa la mana.
  4.     Dupa inregistrare, masinile vor intra pe proprietate prin intrarea de sud unde se vor verifica bratarile primite. Parcarea se va face in locurile special amenajate.
  5.     Sedintele se vor tine in biserica de sus, iar slujbele vor fi in paraclisul de la subsol.

 Va multumim pentru cooperare si intelegere!

Comitetul Organizator al Congresului

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